Couple Ministry Image

Couple Ministry

Rev. Johnny Magee

GAMBC Couples' Ministry Mission Statement:
We believe God has called us to live a life of love in our marriage in a proactive, Christ-Like manner.  We regard our God and each other and more important than ourselves.  Further, we believe God has called us to live healthy Conventual Relationship with Christ and with each other.
Scripture: Ephesians 5:25
  Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for it.



Talsa Lang, President

Mission Closet Mission Statement
 1 Corinthains 13:13
And now abide faith, hope and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.
Quote, "You can put on a show of love without having it, but you can't have love without showing it"
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to love and show by acts of service.  Service is helping others who need assistance.  Our goal is to serve those who God gives us the opportunity to help with genuine kindness, humility and gratitude.  We believe as we show love through service, we and those we serve grow spiritually,
Mission Leader
Talsa Lang 

Mission Ministry  Image

Mission Ministry

Mary McGowan, President

                                                     Mission Statement:
1. Empower the members of the Women's Auxiliary to carry out the Great Commission.
2. Encourage greater participation in reaching out to the youth and other individuals with special  needs
3. Develop home mission, foreign mission, education and evangelism ministries to fulfill the objectives.


Sunday  School Image

Sunday School




LaKeisha Bryant-Hall, President

                                                            Usher Ministry Mission Statement
The mission of the Usher Ministry is to serve and demonstrate God's commission to us, to prayerfully promote an atmosphere where all those entering the church will feel welcomed, and to meet the needs of the congregation during service, keeping any and all distractions to a minimum.

Vision Casting Ministry Image

Vision Casting Ministry

Pastor Chester Hopkins Jr., President

Youth Ministry Image

Youth Ministry

Tiffiany Dunston, President

Mission Statement   "Raising up A generation of Youth that will change the  world..... One soul at a time through the POWER of Christ Jesus. 

Music Ministries

Men's Ministry Image

Men's Ministry

Leeontrae Dunston

To Bring all Man closer to one another and Much Closer To God